Chinese Double Ninth Festival

The Double Ninth Festival, also known as Chongyang Festival, is held on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. It is also known as the Senior Citizens’ Festival.

In 2021, the Double Ninth Festival takes place on 14, October, 2021.

According to records from the mysterious book Yi Jing, the number 6 belonged to the Yin character while the number 9 was thought to be of the Yang character. So, on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, both day and month are Yang characters. Therefore, the festival was named the Double Ninth Festival.

In ancient times, people believed that the double ninth day was worth a celebration. Since folk people had the tradition of climbing a mountain on that day, the Chongyang Festival is also called the Height Ascending Festival. The Chongyang Festival also has other names, such as the Chrysanthemum Festival. As “double ninth” is pronounced the same as the word meaning “forever,” ancestors are also worshipped on that day.

Qomo arrange some of the staff to visit the committee elders on Chinese Double Ninth Festival. With our greatest sincerity, we send the 4k LED interactive panels for the elders, so that they can watch the videos display on the touch screen.

We hope they can have a great activity time with this interactive whiteboard.

Qomo bundleboard double nineth day

Customs and Activities Of Double Ninth Festival

On the Double Ninth Festival, people hold many activities in celebration, such as enjoying the chrysanthemum, inserting Zhuyu, eating Chongyang cakes, and drinking chrysanthemum wine, among others.


Climbing Mountain

In ancient China, as people ascended to high places on the Double Ninth Festival, the Chongyang Festival is also known as the Height Ascending Festival. This custom was supposedly started during the East Han Dynasty when people usually climbed mountains or towers.

Eating Chongyang Cakes

According to historical records, Chongyang cake was also called the Flower Cake, the Chrysanthemum Cake, and the Five-Color Cake. The Chongyang cake is a nine-layer cake shaped like a tower. On its top should be two sheep made from flour. Some people place a small red flag on the top of cake and light candles.

Enjoy Chrysanthemum and Drink Chrysanthemum Wine

The Double Ninth Festival is a golden time of the year. The first person who purportedly enjoyed chrysanthemum and drank chrysanthemum wine on the Chongyang Festival was the poet Tao Yuanming, who lived during the Jin Dynasty. Tao Yuanming, famous for his poems, enjoyed chrysanthemum. Many people followed his suit, drinking chrysanthemum wine and enjoying chrysanthemum, which became a custom. During the Song Dynasty, enjoying chrysanthemum became popular and was an important activity on this festival day. After the Qing Dynasty, people went crazy for chrysanthemum, not only during the Chongyang Festival, but also at other times by going outside and enjoying the plant.

Inserting Zhuyu and Stick Chrysanthemum

During the Tang Dynasty, inserting Zhuyu on the Chongyang Festival became popular. Ancient people believed that inserting Zhuyu helped avoid disasters. And women stuck chrysanthemum in their hair or hung branches on win

Post time: Oct-15-2021

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